MirrorImage Check Archive--Check Imaging with Automatic Amount Reading, Check Endorsing, Check Research

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Do you spend hours at the copy machine copying received checks for archive purposes? Not only do you spend time spreading the checks out on the glass but then you have to file all that paper?

With MirrorImage Check Archive from Data Financial, Inc. it’s quick and be easy. Use almost any scanner, maybe even that MFP you already have, just scan the checks and MirrorImage does the rest. MirrorImage reads the information from the check and uses that information to index the check. It then allows you to search for that check using any of the captured information such as account number, bank number, amount, date, or other information stored with the check image.

Note MirrorImage software only--please select a scanner or call for assistance.

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Data Financial, Inc. is a registered supplier to the U.S. Government (Cage Code: 3N4R8)


Step 1: Click the start scanning button.
Step 2: Enjoy endorsing, imaging, archiving and batching at speeds up to 120 checks per minute.  


  • Database of images, MICR data and batching information for retrieval at any time.
  • Built in research module for retrieving check images by date, operator, MICR, and more.
  • Flexible batching options to meet any business need.
  • Windows 7 x64 compatible.
  • Installation in less than 15 minutes
  • Store unlimited endorsement options
  • 100K item CAR/LAR Per Year, Automatic reading of the check amount, once 100K item limit is renews for only $199.00

Use with any Panini, Canon or Digital Check Scanner

  • Includes one year software support
  • Includes Remote Installation & Training
Data Financial
Manufacturer Part #
One Year
One Year Warranty